But seriously, I would like to know. What is so radical about my political beliefs? What I want from our government? The decency and civility I expect from elected and appointed leaders who are supposed to represent all of us? What part of what I believe is so revolutionary?
Yes, I do yearn for equality for all people. No exceptions. Is that radical?
I also think one billion dollars is more than enough for anybody, and any income over that should be taxed at about 90%. That leaves 100 million dollars a year for the poor billionaire, which I would gladly trade for my annual income if they have a problem with it. Or maybe that extra wealth should be distributed to workers who don't make a billion, or even a million, dollars a year so they can spend it on .... oh, I don't know. Food and housing and an annual vacation. I think every senator and every president should have to live for one year on my annual income before taking office. Just one year. No? Why not? If you want to represent me, get a feel for how I live. How is that radical and not just common sense?
I don't want people to go hungry or to be without decent medical care, including dental and vision. I want good roads, well supported fire and police departments, safe schools with a low teacher/student ratio, accessible upper education (including training in so-called blue-collar trades) that doesn't require taking out student loans that are more than a mortgage, and a bottle of wine a chicken or bowl of beans and quinoa on every table.
I want politicians and religious leaders to stay out of my vagina and my uterus. I want to lower the abortion rate by providing kids with honest, thorough sex education; supporting poor mothers with childcare and food and a decent wage; and opening more Planned Parenthood clinics.
How am I a radical? Honestly, how? I'm practically Jesus's eccentric, lovable aunt.
Do you think I'm radical?