Reticulate: (ri-tik-yuh-lit, leyt) adjective, verb, -lated, -lating.
1. netted; covered with a network.
2. netlike.
3. Botany: having the veins or nerves disposed like the threads of a net.
4. to form into a network.
5. to cover or mark with a network.
Writer: (rahy-ter) noun
1. a person engaged in writing books, articles, stories, etc., as an occupation or profession; an author or journalist.
2. a clerk, scribe, or the like
3. a person who commits his or thoughts, ideas, etc., to writing.
4. (in a piece of writing) the author (used as a circumlocution for “I,” “me,” “my,” etc.): The writer wishes to state…
5. a person who writes or is able to write: a writer in script
6. Stock Exchange: someone who sells options.
7. Scot: a lawyer or solicitor.
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