I've struggled to find time to calm my mind and meditate on what the new year will bring when I'm still submerged in what the end of 2013 brought. What I could use more than anything is a day without a long list of things I need to do, a day of quiet reflection with no pressure in the background.
That's not going to happen, so I guess the best place to start is with a review of 2013. I had to get out my calendar to do that, because I've made so many changes recently, I simply couldn't remember what happened 4 months or 7 months or a year ago. Looking back, all I can say is that I packed a lot in. (There's a pun there, but you won't get it yet.)

Free to a Good Home played a couple of big gigs and several much smaller ones. We finally had to choose a name for ourselves, which took way more time and wine that you'd expect. I hope we play out more this year, because there's nothing better than playing music with 2 of my best friends in the universe.
Melvin died, and it's still hard to believe. I can't explain how that crazy old drunk became so important to me, but he did. I still miss him terribly, and if you're willing to read them, I still have a few stories to tell about him. If I didn't think it would kill me, I'd raise a pint of gin and juice in his honor, but that shit tastes like gasoline, and probably isn't as healthy.
I said yes to a bunch of new experiences: performing in an art installation of improv theatre; improv singing at a dance studio; working for months on a major committee for our local TEDx production; singing on some of her original songs with my Danger Sister, Roxie Carbuncle, in a recording studio (and not hating my voice!); co-producing a movie with Billy Montana; going on a life-changing trip to Chicago with Roxie ... one so out-of-my-normal I haven't even been able to put into writing yet ....
I went to lunch a lot. I didn't realize I lunched so much until I looked at my calendar. My new teaching job is going to put a wrench in the lunching, but that brings me to .....
I accepted a new job teaching creative writing at a local magnet school for the arts. I've taught long enough now that I don't think I have unrealistic expectations about how that will go. Real life teaching is not a movie; it's a daily attempt to keep kids engaged and motivated and off their fucking cell phones. It's hard work for shitty pay .... which means I will be thrilled with the small successes. I'm looking forward to the new adventure. One advantage to this job is that it's within biking and walking distance of my .....

New house! 2013 was a year of big changes, but this one is the biggest, and definitely the most expensive. I wish I could have written about the move as it happened, but I spent all my energy on painting, cleaning, and then moving all my shit amidst snow storms and sub-freezing temperatures and even fucking rain. But I'm in now, and now there's just the unpacking. Lots and lots of unpacking. However, my phrase for 2013 was "moving on," which I evidently took literally.

Finally, a look back at the past year wouldn't be complete without nod to the people who shared the journey. My kids, their significant others and my granddaughter Coraline are a constant. I love them endlessly, and I burst with pride. No hyperbole here.
Unlike family, sometimes friends drift away for various reasons: new romances, following an encompassing passion, geography. I'm sad to say I miss a few people who used to take up a bigger space in my life than they do now. I'm not the only one who moves on. It's harder being the one left behind.
But other friends have remained constant. They are my chosen family, and I count my blessings that they have chosen me as well. They keep me sane or join me when I need to get crazy, and sometimes they are my heroes, and then their loyalty and generosity brings me to my knees with gratitude.
A few people who were friends are no longer friends, thank you, Grilled Cheesus! I'm told I give too much leeway to people who haven't earned it or who have proven they don't deserve it, and I've finally come to agree. This is a valuable lesson, and one that's been painful to learn.
I have, in fact, lost some of my shine the past couple of years -- as if I weren't jaded enough. I've always liked to think people were doing their best, but I can no longer pretend the emperor wears pants. Many people -- my friend the Hot Italian would say most -- are simply assholes, and their reasons for their appalling behavior -- be it jealousy or feeling rejected or even undiagnosed mental illness -- simply don't matter. Excuses don't change reality. My lesson has been to learn what is my business and what is not. And the only behavior that is my business is my own. The challenge is to not be dragged down with the assholes. And that's one more way I've manifested my phrase for 2013, "moving on."
So in 2014, I'm turning off my crazy-fuckers magnet (my apologies to any crazy fuckers who wanted to latch on to me. I'm going to be pretty busy not caring about your shit ...) and spending my time with the healthy people in my life: those friends who are loyal, fun, inspiring, sexy, and kind. Yes, that last one matters a lot. Remember that Jewel song? "In the end, only kindness matters ... and I am never broken ...." When I look back on the past year, one thing that stands out is pretty simple: kindness matters.
And I am not broken.
So the crazy fuckers are swimming in their toxic brew without me, but I stayed the course with my true friends, and found new ones who burrowed so deep into my heart I think they will be with me for a long long time. I'm so grateful moving on opened up space for them in my life.
And I'm looking forward to some wild adventures this coming year with both old and new friends. Hold on!
Every year I choose, or am given, a word that will be meaningful in the coming year. As I said, last year's was "moving on," and move on is what I did ..... in so many ways.
I've struggled with a new word for 2014. It finally came to me tonight though .... or I think it came to me. It's an odd one, so I'm still not sure. I need to sleep on it.
So I'll write more about that and my tarot card(s) for the year tomorrow. Don't expect resolutions though. I have too much to do to think about adding fucking resolutions. Feel free to share yours though. I'll cheer you on.
Happy New Year!
You're students are going to love reading this blog.
ReplyDeleteHa! I don't share my blog with my students. And believe it or not, over my years of teaching, I don't think any of them have found it unless they friended me on Facebook after the class ended. But if they do find it and actually read it, I guess we'll cross that bridge. I'm teaching juniors and seniors. They wouldn't be too shocked.
ReplyDeleteWe all made it through one more year! I'm really glad to be sitting here reading your blog on a Friday night, wait, a Saturday morning. Really looking forward to the unveiling of your word. It will take me a week at least, since I second-guess myself so much, but, hey. thanks for the great idea! Just off the cuff I'd say my 2014 phrase would be " throw away the crazy-fuckers magnet." So, it may end up being very connected to that...
ReplyDeleteYou should throw away the crazy-fuckers magnet every year! My word is not what I would have expected, but it's the one that's sticking. I will write about it soon, as I expect to be snowed in for a couple of days ..... or that's the threat anyway.