I got to work with some wonderful, talented people. While performing monologues is not the same as working on a play together, we still became a pretty cohesive group. I feel grateful to have been able to work with them on a show that was both entertaining and relevant and for such a good cause. I'm not sure how much money we made for Planned Parenthood, but I suspect it's more than was projected.
And now the crash comes. I always crash after a show closes. I tried to avoid it by cleaning, but it's still there. I feel tired and a little blue, like I've got a loose end flapping around. But a busy week will sweep that away before long.
I don't usually repost old posts, but tonight I'm going to repost "I'm Not Licking That" with the revisions I made for the show. I know pride goes before a fall, but I am proud that I wrote and performed my own monologue. It's a powerful feeling, and I'm getting some fresh ideas for writing more performance pieces. So if you've read this, sorry. If you saw the show this weekend, sorry. If you've never seen this one before, I hope you enjoy it.
Recently a friend sent me a link to an article about a new app that got me really excited. Not for myself so much as for my male friends.
It's an app that teaches men ... I mean people ... no, I
really mean men how to lick. It’s a licking app! Do you want to know right
where my mind went? Good licking makes for good cookies. This is brilliant, I
thought .... and I definitely should have thought of it first. I'd be every
woman's new rich best friend.
I started to make a list of men I've known ... OK, I mean
fucked in the past who need to know about this licking app. Wait! I know what
you’re going to say, and I’ve considered the consequences, and I'm sure any
judge would agree this is more important than following those silly restraining
orders. I thought I would compose a message to my exes that was both sensitive
and encouraging, not critical or blaming. In fact, I actually planned to
encourage all men to download this app and start lapping away at their
screens immediately. Who can't use more practice? Fuck Words with Friends. Start
licking, boys!
Then I decided to make beating this game a prerequisite for
dating a guy. Just in case we ... or he .... went down .... that path. I
thought if I ever joined an online dating service, I'd say right up front I
wanted proof of proficiency with the licking app before I swiped right. Or is
it left? Nevermind. I had big plans for this licking app.
Then I read an interview with the developers, and
disappointment set in. "Do we think
you'll be a better lover because of it? No." That’s co-creator Chris
Allick. "Do we think it's an interesting approach to human computer
interaction and making people think about their sexuality and maybe start a
conversation? Totes."
Do you think I was disappointed when I read that? Totes!
Really, Chris, who wants to start a fucking conversation? What we woman want are
more tongues wagging, and a lot less talking.
If it won't make men better lovers -- I'm assuming men,
because I haven't heard any lesbians complain about lack of attention to detail
in their licky licky -- what the fuck good is it? If it won't make men better cunnilinguists,
why would we want them to slobber all over their phones trying to flip a light
switch or roll a virtual beach ball around? They could just as easily practice tracing
the ABC's with their tongues on the tips of their pinkie fingers.
When I saw the name of this app, I expected to see a
cartoon version of the lady bits. I expected the player would get points for
locating the clitoral sweet spot and staying on it long enough to win the game.
I expected an explosion of cookies on the screen or at the very least a series
of satisfying ah .... ah .... ah ... ah .... AAAAAAHHHHH sounds. Or both!
I must confess, I didn't download the app to taste-drive
it. I could come up with reasons not to get it, but no good reason I
should. For example, google "cell phone poop," and you'll learn that
1 in 6 cell phones have poop dust on them. Anderson Cooper's phone has poop
dust on it. The creators of the app suggest people use plastic wrap over their
screens to avoid contamination, but grilled cheesus that's a lot of work for
something I really don't need to practice. And anyway .... ick!
I did click over to the developers' website and saw Club
Sexy Time has several other free, yet useless, apps. Like a stare-down app, a
pencil-arranging app and a booby trap app. OK, I was tempted to check out that
last one. Who doesn’t love boobs? But then I remembered my time is valuable.
Someone might have posted a funny, new meme or a cute photo of a kitten on my
Facebook feed while I was playing a booby trap app. And since even the
developers admitted the licking app would be of no use to pretty much anybody
... I decided fuck it. Which is not the same as lick it.
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